Portfolios for photographers, designers, and conservators.


It feels deceptively like summer here in Portland, Oregon. Like the cherry blossoms dotting the city, we've been sitting pretty under tranquil festoons of productivity.

This season we are debuting two specialized portfolio products: a book or a box to house your creative endeavors. 



Each is suited to different applications, with a small variety of elements to customize.

Please send us your questions with ideas or needs.

Pssst, we're working on a new website to launch later this fall. Keep your eyes peeled for the change brewing in our SE Portland studio!

Custom Portfolios for Creatives

Portfolio Boxes for Designers, Architects, & Photographers

Why is a custom portfolio right for you? In this day and age the packaging is just as important as the product inside -- first impressions separate the wheat from the chaff.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a student entering the workforce, the best way to feature your body of work is with a presentation piece made especially to house it. 

Open Bookcloth Clamshell for Long Stitch Album
Open Bookcloth Clamshell for Long Stitch Album

Memory Box with Custom Compartments

Navy Clamshell for Winery
Portfolio with Cedar Cover Coptic Bound

Also key to your presentation are high quality prints of your work. We work exclusively with experts Pushdot Studio and Stevens IS for our clients' digital printing needs.

Contact us with any questions about the materials we source, optional add-ons, or any other ideas you might have that will distinguish your work as the crème de la crème. We are happy to assist you in the pursuit of your dream job!

"I got an internship with the very first firm I applied to because of the awesome work you guys did on my portfolios."

- Matt F.

Graphic Design Portfolio

Portfolio for Portland Design Student

We recently completed a portfolio for Chloe Fields, a local design student. She wanted something that complemented her work and gave her sophomore design portfolio a polished look. We think the simplicity of the portfolio design really lets her work shine. And shine it does! This gal is going places. Have a look:

Graphic Design Portfolio

Personalized Portfolio Book    Typography Potfolio

Post Bound Portfolio    Design Portfolio Book

Nice work, Chloe!

Shop Custom PortfoliosArchitect PortfoliosCustom Portfolios in our Gallery



Portfolio Cover Inset

Digitally Printed Insets on Custom Portfolios

When our clients want clean, professional personalization, we often create digitally printed inserts on portfolios and books. To do this, we carve out a section of the bookboard before we glue the cover cloth in place. Our clients can then print their logo or artwork onto cardstock, and we can secure it into place on the book's cover. The recessed area provides a frame for the printed card, but also added protection against fingerprints and repeated viewings.

Have a look:

recessed window portfolio

personalized portfolio

design portfolio digital plaque

Simple, yet elegant!

Shop for Portfolios, See Blind Debossing on Portfolios, Book and Portfolio Structures


Personalized Custom Portfolios

Blind Debossing on Portfolios

We're so happy to be adding custom blind debossing to our list of services! We can now print your design or logo directly into our portfolio and book covers. We've added this service especially for our photographer, architect, and designer clients, who can now order portfolios through our online shop. The process of blind debossing works like this:

  • You supply your artwork in PDF format
  • We create a magnesium die from your design
  • We use a hot foil stamping machine to heat the die, then press the design into your book cover

While initial setup fees for blind debossing are expensive, price per piece goes down as quantity increases. And just look at the lovely results:


Blind Deboss on Design Portfolio


Blind Debossing Detail

Portfolio Blind Deboss Detail

Custom Design Portfolio

 Shop Portfolios, Completed Design Portfolio, Architect Portfolio